Sedation and analgesia​
Contrast media
Antiplatelet agents
Choosing access site
Femoral access step-by-step
Large bore access
Radial access step-by-step
Dilator will not go over wire
Engagement via femoral access
Engagement via radial access
Catheter selection for femoral access
Catheter selection for radial access
Resistance to guidewire/catheter advancement via femoral access
How to exchange catheters over a 300 cm long supportive 0.014 inch guidewire
Resistance to guidewire/catheter advancement via radial access
How to manipulate catheters to engage via radial access
How to manipulate catheters-femoral access
How to approach catheter entrapment due to radial artery spasm
How to approach catheter kinking
Algorithm for deciding about revascularization in stable angina patients
Algorithm for deciding about revascularization in patients with acute coronary syndrome
PCI timing, lesion selection, sequence
Wiring: step-by-step
Wiring: key principles
How to remove a microcatheter
Power microcatheter and power guide extension
Wiring through tortuosity
Lesion preparation: When and how
How to perform balloon angioplasty
How to deliver balloons and stents
Femoral access closure: When and how
How to get femoral hemostasis
Angioseal step-by-step
Perclose step-by-step