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- Part A. The steps | PCI manual
1. Planning Pre-procedure checklist for cardiac catheterization and PCI 2. Monitoring What to monitor during cardiac catheterization 3. Pharmacology Sedation and analgesia Anticoagulation Antiarrhythmics Vasodilators Contrast media Antiplatelet agents Vasopressors/vasocontstrictors 3. Pharmacology 4. Access Choosing access site Femoral access step-by-step Large bore access Radial access step-by-step Dilator will not go over wire 3. Pharmacology 5. Engagement Engagement via femoral access Engagement via radial access Catheter selection for femoral access Catheter selection for radial access Resistance to guidewire/catheter advancement via femoral access How to exchange catheters over a 300 cm long supportive 0.014 inch guidewire Resistance to guidewire/catheter advancement via radial access How to manipulate catheters to engage via radial access How to manipulate catheters-femoral access How to approach catheter entrapment due to radial artery spasm How to approach catheter kinking 3. Pharmacology 6. Angiography How to perform coronary angiography How to interpret the coronary angiogram 3. Pharmacology 7. Determine target lesion Algorithm for deciding about revascularization in stable angina patients Algorithm for deciding about revascularization in patients with acute coronary syndrome PCI timing, lesion selection, sequence 8. Wiring Wiring: step-by-step Wiring: key principles How to remove a microcatheter Power microcatheter and power guide extension Wiring through tortuosity 9. Lesion preparation Lesion preparation: When and how How to perform balloon angioplasty How to deliver balloons and stents Lesion preparation algorithm Balloon delivery algorithm Laser 10. Stenting How to perform stenting Labeled stent post-dilation limits 11. Closure Femoral access closure: When and how How to get femoral hemostasis Angioseal step-by-step Perclose step-by-step 12. Physiology Coronary physiology step-by-step 13. Imaging Intravascular imaging: When and which modality? OCT step-by-step IVUS step-by-step 14. Hemodynamic support Hemodynamic support for PCI Impella VA-ECMO
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An algorithmic approach to percutaneous coronary intervention 📚 Search the Chapters 💻 Watch a case 🎙️ Listen to the PCI Manual podcast Click Here Lectures Part A The steps Part B Complex subgroups Part C Complications Part D Equipment
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- Part B. Complex subgroups | PCI manual
15. Ostial lesions Aorto-ostial lesion treatment Branch-ostial lesion treatment 16. Bifurcations Bifurcation PCI step-by-step Reverse crush steps Provisional stenting steps Culotte stenting steps DK crush steps DK crush troubleshooting 17. Left main Left Main 3. Pharmacology 18. Prior CABG PCI in the prior CABG patient Filterwire Spider 19. Calcification Calcification Rotational atherectomy Orbital atherectomy Rotablator complications 20. Thrombus Thrombus ACS Aspirational thrombectomy 21. CTO Chronic total occlusion SCAD ISR ISR 2 Large+ small vessels Stent thrombosis 22. Other complex lesions (SCAD, stent failure, small/large vessels, long lesions) 23. Balloon uncrossable and undilatable lesions Algorithm for crossing a "balloon uncrossable" lesion Algorithm for crossing a de novo "balloon uncrossable" lesion Algorithm for crossing an in-stent "balloon uncrossable" lesion Balloon undilatable lesions 24. Complex patients (prior TAVR, cardiogenic shock) Prior TAVR Cardiogenic shock
- About | PCI manual
Emmanouil S. Brilakis, MD, PhD Bavana V. Rangan, BDS, MPH Deniz Mutlu, MD Olga Mastrodemos, BA Michaella Alexandrou, MD Athanasios Rempakos, MD
- Part D. Equipment | PCI manual
30. Equipment Equipment overview Sheaths Guide extensions Microcatheters Guidewires Balloons
- Forum | PCI manual
To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Create New Post Part A. The steps subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Follow 1. Planning subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow 2. Monitoring subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow Part 2. Complex subgroups subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 0 Follow New Posts esbrilakis Aug 12, 2020 Get Started with Your Forum Part A. The steps Welcome to the Wix Forum. Use your forum as a discussion board to talk about topics linked to your website. Here are some tips for how to get started. Write a Welcome Post Greet visitors to your forum with a warm welcome message. Tell people what your forum is about and what to expect. You can also share this post on your social media sites to get things going and attract your first members. Add Categories Categories let users easily navigate your forum and find the topics they are looking for. Add your own categories to suit your site or business. Join the Wix Forum Community This is a community made just for you, Wix Forum fans. Get the latest updates, ask questions and share your wishes for new features. Check it out. Customize Anything Get your forum looking just the way you want. Open your forum settings to choose from different layouts, edit your text and more. Enjoy using your forum! Adding A Forum To Your Website - Wix Forum | Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless
- Part C. Complications | PCI manual
25. Acute vessel closure Acute vessel closure Dissection Plaque thrombus embolization Air embolization Aortocoronary dissection 26. Perforation Perforation algorithm Large vessel perforation Distal vessel perforation 27. Equipment loss and entrapment Stent loss Microcatheter entrapment- fracture Guidewire entrapment-fracture Balloon entrapment-fracture 28. Other complications (hypotension, radiation skin injury, contrast-induced AKI) Hypotension Radiation How to prevent contrast induced-AKI 29. Vascular access complications Ischemic femoral access complications Femoral access bleeding Retroperitoneal hematoma Pseudoaneurysm, AV fistula, infection, nerve injury Radial access complications